Demitri Darr

The official website of a composer/music producer Demitri Darr.


«Composer REEL»

«Paganini Rocks»

«Touch ME»

«Way To Eternity»


«Galactic Symphony»

«Love Is ALL»

«Paganini Rocks teaser»



Demitri DARR is a highly regarded composer and music producer with more than 25 years’ experience in the music industry. He grew up in a family of musicians, where the creative atmosphere of music pervaded the family home. At 7, he had already created several musical compositions; at 15, he scored his first film, and has since scored more than 25 feature films and TV series, including The Magic Tower, My Adult Daughter, Phonogram of Passion, Lord Of The Wind and The Three and Snowflake. Demitri was the music producer for such films as Wolfhound, 1612, The Iris Effect, and One Life Only.   Some of his compositions have won awards at International Festivals, such as Alisa’s Birthday (2nd Maccau International Movie Festival) Demitri was the recording engineer for the documentary series Broken Silence (from Steven Spielberg and Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation). In recent years, Darr has engaged with musical theater and performance art, composing the music for new stage musicals. Among them is Paganini Rocks, which weaves together not only a dramatic script, rock vocals, dance and visual effects, but also virtuoso violin and guitar performances; and Rock Me, a rock show. He collaborates with professional musicians, vocalists, lyricists, playwrights, and producers around the world. Clearly, rock music has shaped the way D.D. writes music. He blends classical themes inspired by the likes of Tschaikovsky, Mozart, Prokofiev, and Rachmaninoff, with melodic vocals, and rock-era instrumentation; and the results are big and bold.  Unsurprisingly, he cites his biggest musical influences as the Beatles, Queen, Scorpions, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and Sting.  And John Williams. Demitri's state of the art studio is his pride and joy, and he has filled it with cutting-edge equipment and advanced digital technologies.  He notes, “My heart belongs to music. I love the challenge of taking on a myriad of musical styles and genres.”  He further notes, “The world is a big place, we now have a way to work with anyone, anywhere.  There are so many talented people out there!  I want to work with as many of them as I can!

My Studio

As a music producer, Demitri Darr pays great attention to sound recording equipment and uses the most progressive technologies in the field. He has his own recording studio with a unique creative atmosphere. Knowing and managing computer technologies perfectly, D.D. conducts recording sessions with musicians and singers in the studio and online.

enter the studio